The Most Common Mistake When Entering an Online Competition

When was the last time you really read the fine print? You know—the rules, privacy policy, terms and conditions, and all of that good stuff? 

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t take the time to read the fine print. In fact, 91% of individuals agree to terms and conditions without reading them, according to a Deloitte survey of 2,000 consumers in the United States. Ages 18 to 34 had an even greater percentage, with 97% of respondents agreeing to terms before reading!

Although it may be tempting to ignore the lengthy, text-heavy pages, reading them can save you time and help you get ahead of the competition. So, get your magnifying glass ready––here’s why you should read the fine print when entering an online competition.

Understand eligibility and dodge disqualification

Reading the official competition rules will let you know if you’re eligible to compete and help you avoid disqualification throughout the competition.

Some common reasons you may be ineligible to compete:

  • Age 

  • Location of residence

  • You won the previous year’s competition

You may be disqualified if…

  • You use offensive language towards other competitors

  • You upload obscene or copyrighted images for your competitor profile

Knowledge is power

When you enter an online competition, you are agreeing to the rules, privacy policy, and terms and conditions. This means you may be giving the competition operator the rights to use your submission photos, or you may be selling your soul to the devil. We’re joking about the latter, but knowing what you’re agreeing to is crucial before you compete.

Answer your own questions

Entering an online competition can come with an abundance of questions. Support teams are more than happy to help, but you may be able to answer your own questions just by reading through the rules, privacy policy, and terms and conditions. The fine print will be able to tell you more about the prizes, the competition timeline, and much more. 

You’ll be surprised what you can learn when you read the fine print!


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