How to Prepare for a Competition

Competition is a rivalry where two or more people strive for an exclusive goal, including awards, status, prestige, leadership, or a grand prize. It often has a defined period of time with a set of predefined criteria that are clearly communicated to a specific audience. 

Entering any type of competition can be a rewarding experience that garners recognition no matter what spot you take. And if proceeds go to a charity, the benefits far outweigh the risks.

Here are some tips on how to win a competition.


Enter a competition that suits your lifestyle and interests, and do some research on how it works. Be sure to read the Terms and Rules so you know exactly how long it’s run and exactly what to expect.

Once you register, start spreading the word that you are entering the competition and rally your family, friends, and fans to cheer you on, whether that be at the event or to get votes in an online competition. 

Learn who you are competing against and what winners/finalists have done in the past to get ahead. Consider what sort of strategies can set you apart from the rest? Talk to former competitors, experts, coaches, or anyone knowledgeable about the topic. 


You can’t win if you don’t play. Once your registration has been approved, be sure to fill out the application form/profile page entirely with no mistakes. Take notice of the small details like entry timeline, when the competition begins, if there is a profile page to fill out, if there is an entry fee, etc. The more you know, the better prepared you are and the better chance you have of getting ahead.

It’s worth saying again: The most important preparation for any competition is knowing the Terms and Rules. This will give you peace of mind to know exactly what to expect and give you a competitive edge over other competitors who have not reviewed them. Also, understanding what is in front of you will help reduce the chances of being let down if you don’t make it all the way. 


If entering a sporting competition, you’ll want to be sure to get the right equipment and develop a schedule. Give yourself enough time to train and recover. Set small goals within your routine. Make a training checklist to keep track of the work you’ve done, and get support from your family and friends. One person saying, “I believe in you,” can go a long way.

Mentally prepare by avoiding discouraging influences (naysayers) and staying motivated. Visualize your win. 

Use Social Media to Your Advantage

If joining an online competition, social media is going to be your best friend. Use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc., to share the details of the competition, and get creative on how you can get your followers to vote for you. Consider ‘share for shares’, make daily videos, do daily posts, and direct message everyone you know and some you don’t know. Remember, people are living their own lives and may not think to vote every day. Most won’t mind a constant reminder to vote daily.

So, go big. If you’re too shy to ask people for help, you will not win. 

Look for the Benefits of Competing

No matter if you win or lose, there are always benefits. Competitions build mental toughness. They connect you with other like-minded individuals. You will gain confidence that you actually followed through with it, you will gain recognition from your family and friends, and, at times, if the money donated is going to charity, then you can be proud to have been a part of helping those less fortunate—everybody wins. Don’t lose sight of the big picture.


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