6 Tips to Stand Out Among Your Competitors

Some people choose not to participate in competitions because they believe that their odds of winning are slim, especially when there are a lot of competitors involved. The good news is that somebody has to win, and that somebody could be you! Your chance at winning can be as good as anyone else’s—but you’ll have an even better chance if you can master the art of standing out.

Here are 6 tips to stand out amongst your competitors:

Know yourself.

You don’t need to have a spiritual awakening to know yourself. In fact, you can get to know yourself little by little in your daily life. Since you are always changing, this will be an ongoing process. Knowing yourself can help you stay motivated throughout the competition and allow you to focus on the bigger picture: taking home the gold.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • What motivates me? 

  • What are my strengths?

  • What are my values?

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”Aristotle

Find and utilize your USP.

Your unique selling proposition (USP, also referred to as unique selling point) highlights a distinct quality you have to offer, which can help differentiate yourself from rivals. Ask yourself, “Why should someone pick me over my competitors?” 

More importantly, you should tailor your USP to the competition that you're entering. For example, if you’re entering a baking competition, your USP might be that you started your own cookie business when you were in college. If you’re entering a bodybuilding competition, your USP might be that you’ve never skipped leg day at the gym. Your USP could even be as simple as having a unique set of interests related to the competition.

If you’re having trouble identifying your USP, ask your friends, family, or colleagues. They might be able to identify a USP that you are unaware of. Keep in mind that you have multiple USPs since we are all unique in so many ways.

Know your audience.

Regardless of what kind of competition you are entering, knowing your audience (the people who will be rooting for you) will allow you to communicate in a way that resonates with them. Do a little research and find out what matters to your audience the most. This inside knowledge will help you connect with the people who are crucial to your success.

Stand out visually.

Visual impressions are known to make deeper and longer-lasting impressions than words. This is why it’s important to stand out visually among your competitors. When submitting your application or completing your competitor profile, use high-quality and unique photos. A regular old selfie might not do the trick—use an image of yourself that relates to the competition or one that highlights your USP. This is a foolproof way to catch the eye of potential voters.

Market yourself.

Spreading awareness that you’re competing is essential to gaining traction in the competition. Use social media to your advantage so you can obtain a loyal following. Make sure to post frequent, valuable content across multiple platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or/and TikTok. Be sure to keep your audience engaged by asking them questions, and make an effort to stay in the know about trending topics. To simplify things, you can download scheduling apps to schedule your posts in bulk. To take it a step further, be sure to text or email your close friends and relatives to remind them to vote daily.

Be confident.

If you want to be number one, confidence is critical. It subconsciously informs others that they are in the presence of a leader. Exuding confidence will give you the strength to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. Plus, confidence is magnetic—it establishes an aura that draws people to you. So, go ahead and dominate your rivals with confidence. You can do it!


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