4 Tips to Enhance Your Company Culture

Having a positive company culture sustains employee engagement and enthusiasm. Especially in today’s world, it’s crucial for employee retention. One should not dread going into the office every day; quite frankly, people aren't willing to sacrifice their happiness for a job anymore. 

As a whole, if you find that your employees don't seem to be producing like they once had, they seem more stressed than usual, and the office vibe is dismal… you're going to need to address your culture—and quickly because happiness brings productivity. 

Here are some interesting facts about employee retention:

  • 31% of 1,000 workers quit their job within the first six months

  • It can cost up to 200% of a highly trained employee's salary to replace them

  • Approximately 3 million Americans leave their job every month

  • Companies that offer remote work flexibility find a 25% lower turnover rate

  • Actively disengaged workers are 40% more likely to be looking for a job than highly engaged employees

  • Employee happiness is 23.3% more correlated to connections with coworkers than direct supervisors 

  • If not recognized, employees are twice as likely to quit within the next year

Here, we offer some tips to reengage your employees and bring joy to the office.

1. Recognize and reward

Companies with a recognition program have a 31% lower turnover rate, according to a Gallup poll. You'll get the most impact when it comes from both leadership and peers. A small investment can lead to big rewards and happier employees.

2. Foster strong peer-to-peer relationships

Have HR plan dedicated team-building activities once a month so employees can get to know each other outside of their day-to-day, work-related interactions. Outside of these pre-planned activities, create a comfortable, calm, and entertaining environment. Twitter has engaging rooftop meet-ups; Google hosts employee trips and parties; Colossal has friendly in-office ping pong tournaments. 

3. Don't micromanage

Inspiring employee autonomy can be a hard step for many leaders who are set in their ways. But it's 2022, and with each generation comes a new set of expectations. Before they even enter the workforce, young adults are being trained to make their own decisions, exercise choices, and speak up. This can bring new life to a workplace, and embracing accountability is imperative, allowing new workers to take on and own their initiatives.

4. Stay true to your core values and communicate those to the team regularly 

People have an inherent desire to do good work. They want to feel a purpose in what they do, and it's important to them that leadership feel the same way. Core values are the principles at the heart of your organization. Communicate to your employees what impact you want to make on the world. Show results of how their work benefits others.

At Colossal, our culture makes up our framework. We are a TEAM of talented, hard-working professionals with a passion for leaving the world better than we found it. Each of us desires to help others and collectively believes in the true power of giving. We bring together brands, businesses, and personalities to create life-changing opportunities while supporting charity. Philanthropy is our vision, our mission, and our action. 


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