21 Tips to Build Your Voter Empire

Looking for ways to grab the attention of potential voters for the competition you’ve entered? Or maybe you just want to make some friends? We’ve got you covered.


  1. Engage with your followers and be responsive.

  2. Schedule frequent posts in advance to remind people to vote daily.

  3. Make sure your content is shareable through your privacy settings.

  4. Call your family members. Grandma loves to hear from you, anyway!

  5. Text your friends, family, colleagues, your dentist—the list goes on.

  6. Dust off your contact list and share your Competitor profile link via email.

Utilize Different Platforms

  1. Share your Competitor profile link on Facebook status updates and stories. 

  2. Instagram—this is a huge one! Add your Competitor profile link to your bio, and be sure to utilize stories, Reels, and regular feed posts.

  3. Post a blog about why you’re passionate about the competition to garner support from a variety of readers on sites like Medium, Wix, WordPress, Weebly, and Tumblr.

  4. Use Twitter for quick posts about why you’re in the running for the competition. Add your Competitor profile link to your bio here, too!

  5. TikTok has over 30 million active users daily, and users are known to unexpectedly go viral. This is a great place to post fun videos to rally support from potential voters.

  6. Create a YouTube video to talk about why you want to win the competition.

  7. Post a Snapchat story to let your friends know what to do: vote, vote, vote!

  8. LinkedIn is primarily a business networking website, but you can also use it to let your colleagues know you’re in the running for a competition. Be sure to keep it professional.

  9. Do a live stream on Twitch, Facebook, or Instagram to stay active and make new connections.

Be Easy to Find

  1. Geotag your content to get more visibility from potential voters.

  2. If you opt for making a Reel or a TikTok, be sure to use popular sounds or songs. This can help put your posts in front of more eyes.

  3. Strategically use hashtags. The best places to use hashtags are Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.

Join a Community

  1. There are over 10 million Facebook Groups out there, and you’re bound to find one that resonates with you and the competition that you have entered!

  2. Anything and everything has a board on Reddit. Try finding a similar board or create a new one to talk about the competition and rally support.

  3. Like Facebook, LinkedIn has groups too. These groups may be more on the professional side, but it’s certainly worth a try to find one that fits you and the competition.


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